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You can register here if you are a sole trader, company or organization

Fields marked with * are required

You won't be able to change this!

Tip: Since the e-mail address will appear at payments and in the account statement, you should register your official e-mail, or an address specifically created for this purpose (e.g. [email protected]).
Must be 8 characters minimum It is too easy to guess! Okay Strong

Tip: You don't have to enter a super complex password, but make it long and hard to guess. To get information about creating a secure, but easily rememberable passwords, refer to the Barion FAQ.

Registered seat

It is the address officially registered by the competent authority as the seat of the organization.


Mailing address:

Authorized Representative:

Who is entitled to represent the organization? Please provide the details about the representative who is listed in the official records (e.g. director, CEO, president) and who will take part in the KYC process.



Tip: Supply a phone number where we can reach you if there are any problems or questions.

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